99 Parkdale by Omegarender

Originally published at: https://www.ronenbekerman.com/showcase/99-parkdale/

This week, we want to show you the 99 Parkdale project, rendered for our regular client Brigil.

This is a visualization of luxurious suites in one of the towers of a residential complex in Ottawa. We were given an order to render the premises, including apartments, a gym, a co-working space, and a terrace that connects two towers. The apartments of 99 Parkdale have plenty of windows, so it was a must to create the cozy atmosphere of a light-filled room.

In addition, we created a close-up exterior of 99 Parkdale Tower. The client loved this close-up and told us that it is their favorite image of the project.

MORE PROJECTS ON: https://omegarender.com/gallery


Studio: Omegarender / Artist: Omegarender
Work: Commissioned Project
Designer: N/A .
Client: Brigil
Location: Canada Canada

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