Gunnar Asplund Library - 3D Visualization by Victor Ferland

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Hi all!

Started by gathering as many varied, high-resolution photo references for both the interior and exterior of the Library. The 3D model provided needs quite a bit of work, so this extensive research will help a lot with recreating all the small details and realistic finishes. I really want to get to know this piece of architecture. Gathering as much documentation on this building and its history as I can is worth my time, just to take in the feel and richness of the place.

For the mood, I’m going for an early morning, calm city mood. Not too crowded, beautyful natural light, a quiet peaceful feel. Not quite sure which camera angles I’m going to choose yet, but I started experimenting with a few points of view I thought were interesting. The project will be worked in 3ds Max, and I plan to render it using Vray. More to come soon!