Oklo by Omegarender

Originally published at: https://www.ronenbekerman.com/showcase/oklo/

This week we want to show you the project of our regular customer Gensler.

Oklo is a company that develops nuclear power plants with nuclear microreactors. Their innovative approach to the use of nuclear energy promises large-scale production of clean, reliable, and affordable energy.

The company was pleased with the renderers and has already started using them on its website and in a press release. Gensler also told us that Oklo has displayed new renderings of the project, including our images, on the Times Square billboard.

These renderings achieve photorealism through meticulous attention to lighting, textures, and view angles. The natural lighting enhances the architectural details, while realistic textures and carefully chosen perspectives integrate the structures seamlessly with their environments. This combination creates immersive, lifelike scenes that captivate viewers.

MORE PROJECTS ON: https://omegarender.com/gallery


Studio: Omegarender / Artist: Omegarender
Work: Commissioned Project
Designer: N/A .
Client: Gensler
Location: United States United States

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