Originally published at: https://www.ronenbekerman.com/?p=127622
Im mohamed Al Ashiq, this is my first time entering Ronen Bekerman Challenge. In regards to the Challenge of tomorrow. I focused on the Residents of Hudsons.
One of the main Problems of the Future will be the Urban lifestyle would induce a lot of stress mentally and physically. the Residents of Hudsons would go for a Sustainable,Non Conventional Buildings Which is centred by a Sanctuary, where people come to escape thier stressful urban life.This Sanctuary would have a Shield of Transluescent Material Surrounding them Which allows natural light and ventillation.They also act as Photovoltic Panels to generate Solar Enargy, From inside they also act as a LED ceiling Simulating Lighting and Environment should they go to grim.
I appreciate every Insights and tips.
thank you and good luck