Originally published at: https://www.ronenbekerman.com/showcase/sweet-homes-8-apart-hotel-and-spa/
Our job here was to make classical hotel design with some interesting landscape around it. The theme for the garden came from a story in Nat Geo, and it was about a Spanish ship full with gold cargo, that crushed along the California shore, and leaving the trail of gold in the bottom of the sea, over a mile long. So our garden is separated on two main spaces – Blue lagoon, treasure river and a Lost ship.
Studio: Cholakov-Gongalov architects / Artist: Dimitar Gongalov
Work: Commissioned
Designer: arch.Victor Cholakov, land arch. Dimitar Gongalov
Client: N/A .
Software: 3dsmax,AutoCAD,Floor Generator,MultiScatter,Photoshop,V-Ray