Urban Contrast by Dark Band Studio

Originally published at: https://www.ronenbekerman.com/showcase/urban-contrast/

Five seconds after the first submission for the D2Challenge I said: “perhaps a not aerial version might worth it”. Looking around for inspiration about “horror vacui”…or something similar, I tried to bear in mind the main Hugh Ferriss guideline pairing it with astonishing attention to detail by Geof Darrow (Hard Boiled, Big Guy, The Matrix) illustrations and dramatic landscape watercolour drawings by Gipi (UnaStoria, Notes for a War Story, Land of the Sons).


We used 3DS Max + Vray + Photoshop.

Find out more about Dark Band Studio
Website: www.darkbandstudio.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/darkbandstudio
Youtube: www.youtube.com/darkbandstudio


Studio: N/A / Artist: Dark Band Studio
Work: Personal Project
Designer: N/A .
Client: N/A .
Location: Hong Kong Hong Kong