Show me the way to go Home by James Macdonald

Originally published at:

So I think I have now got a narrative that I enjoy.

I have like the umbrella shape as it works well with the empty spaces of the hero building so I want to use this to tie all 3 images together.
So the start would be umbrella found, middle would be umbrella being used, end would be leting him fly away.

I want a rainy visual and a visual with the umbrella flying in the wind, if you ask an umbrella what he wants he would say play in the rain and fly in the wind !

here are some updates.
kinda got a narrative going tieing all mages together. I’m sticking with the umbrella because i think the shape language works well with the hero building.
Start off morning quiet slow, with umbrella unused and abandoned… a bit sad :frowning:
Then our little umbrella friend is loving a bit of rain, enjoying his life, fulfilling his ambition! this one a bit intense.
Then set free to fly, another fun thing for umbrellas to do. calming and leads to relaxed pondering! hmmm that’s what I’m hoping anyway!

Hi James. It reminds me this video from Pixar

Maybe it could be helpful for you to find ideas and mood.