Information on Final Entries Submission

Hi guys. Does anyone know where I can find more info on the final entry images such as resolution, max dimension, how to upload. Have we only to upload in the platform? I don’t think so because image size should be small to upload there.
I’m sure @ronen will comunicate all this info soon but I would like to be sure to see all the informations in time (it’s a very busy moment for me).
Thanks to all.


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Hi, Actually I had the same question as well and I was thinking of posting it on the blog.

Glad you have asked it before.
As, already 4 more days are left, m waiting how do we need to actually submit the final Images?

Hope, Ronen gets back to this thing soon!

me too guys, its true me too have no idea how final images with higher res will be uploaded,

thanks for posting such an important question guys

Hi all! Thanks for raising this topic @Flow

I’ll jump in here and add the information you all need :wink:


Hi all and thanks once more to @Flow for the heads up on this one :wink:

Here’s the final submit info…

You’ll use the same upload form, but be sure to pick “Final Entry” in the Milestone Stage field.

I’ll refer to STILL IMAGE upload and indicate any difference for VR.

Upload the 3 FINAL images (or more) the same way you uploaded milestones up to this point.

Image size 2500px on the long side.

Pick your HERO image (Image No. 1) as the “Project Featured Image” and upload the other TWO images in the “Additional Project Images” field. We need these so it shows on the challenge showcase.

For the Jury selection process please upload a PDF like so.

  • page 1-3 : Final images. 1 image per page
  • page 4 : Show your references: mood, light, composition, props, etc.
  • page 5 : Show your work in progress, sketches, palette, work in progress.
  • page 6 : Tell the story of your project in words. You already did a lot on TALK, so this should be easy :wink:


Pick 3 snapshots from the VR Experience to upload as the 3 images.

Provide a link to the VR Experience inside your PDF in page 6.


If something is not clear - please ask me here!


@nils feel free to jump in here about any of the above :wink:


Thanks a lot @Ronen. It’s all clear.
I just have a question: I studied the dimension of the three images in order to put them together in a composition (I think it could be useful for storytelling). Is it possible to add a cover to the pdf file with the three images attached together?
Thanks again and good luck to all the participants.


Hi Ronen,

Thank you for the final submit info.

I would like to refer to the " Terms, rules and more" section which is about the required number of visualization. In that section it says, I quote “…at least three still images”.
In relation to that guidance and my concept idea- seven chapters of the day, I developed 7 different visualizations that make the story complete.
Given that I did all seven views in their final form as well as the complete post-production of them, I would be very grateful if my work could be accepted in its entirety.

Best regards,


@Nacevic.nenad you sure can!

For sure - do add the cover as suggested to the PDF @flow

That’s splendid, thank you!


Thanks a lot. I wish to thank you and all the participants for this beautiful challenge. It’s been a great experience.

Hello Ronen,

Thank you for this update. The information that was given to us for the final submission is very useful.

I have just one question. “Image size 2500px on the long side” - can you give me some more clarifications regarding this requirement. If my image size is 6000 x 4242 Is it going to be 2500 x 1768?
Please advice if this is correct.



Yes @StefanDimitrov

I’d love for you to upload the 6000px if you already have it - but the upload system limits the image size.

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hey @Ronen, is there a specific website to upload the VR images, or just something like google drive…

Any VR delivery solution works @amer_f … I’ll contact after we process the entries in case we have issues.

Hi Ronen,
Do we have to keep the same size of images in PDF as well under 1MB or we can use uncompressed versions?
and what size exactly our PDF needs to be?

Hi @ronen just to check if I’m right

  • 3 images max 2500px under 1Mb (jpg I presume) with the name MAIN
  • other images max 2500 under 1Mb (if we have some)
  • pdf no limits of px but under 1Mb
    Is it correct?
    So there isn’t a way to upload a better quality image (more than 1Mb). isn’t it?


i just wonder how come to create a pdf that can fit all of the images and references. illustrations yet to be up to quality i hope it has different limit than 1 mb !
Good question man, lets hope to have an early answer

The PDF is 10mb limit

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