Hi all and thanks once more to @Flow for the heads up on this one 
Here’s the final submit info…
You’ll use the same upload form, but be sure to pick “Final Entry” in the Milestone Stage field.
I’ll refer to STILL IMAGE upload and indicate any difference for VR.
Upload the 3 FINAL images (or more) the same way you uploaded milestones up to this point.
Image size 2500px on the long side.
Pick your HERO image (Image No. 1) as the “Project Featured Image” and upload the other TWO images in the “Additional Project Images” field. We need these so it shows on the challenge showcase.
For the Jury selection process please upload a PDF like so.
- page 1-3 : Final images. 1 image per page
- page 4 : Show your references: mood, light, composition, props, etc.
- page 5 : Show your work in progress, sketches, palette, work in progress.
- page 6 : Tell the story of your project in words. You already did a lot on TALK, so this should be easy
Pick 3 snapshots from the VR Experience to upload as the 3 images.
Provide a link to the VR Experience inside your PDF in page 6.
If something is not clear - please ask me here!
@nils feel free to jump in here about any of the above